Training practices


The training practices are activities developed jointly and coordinated among several or all of the professional courses, in order to develop teaching and learning activities as close as possible to the professional reality of our students. Through these activities we intend that the student encourages collaborative work. Each group, is introduced into production dynamics where what matters is the obtaining of a complete final product, procedurally reinforceing the theoretical content seen throughout the course in all the specialities and, finally, that has an approach as true as possible to the professional reality.

The catalog of intercyclic internship projects that has been developed at the CIFP “José Luís Garci” over these years is very broad and of which we can highlight: the “Enserie” fiction series, the fashion show “Fashion Day”, the photo exhibitions , the concerts, the production of “Cortoexpress”, the fiction short film “Encorto” and the endgame “Galas”.

Información general sobre la secretaría del centro:

Horario de atención al público:
Durante el curso: lunes a viernes de 10:30 a 13:30 y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas

Horario última semana de junio  y los meses de julio y  septiembre:  lunes a viernes de 10:30  a 13:30 horas

Agosto y festivos (según calendario escolar): cerrado

Tel: 91 484 1828 / 29 | Fax: 91 657 2711
