The Vocational Training College on New Technologies “Jose Luis Garci” has the Extended Erasmus Charter.
This Charter fosters the mobility of our students in order they could develop their practices during a period about three months in companies of the audiovisual field in the European Union.
The goal of the programme is:
1. Helping the students to adapt themselves to the European labour market requirements and enhancing the comprehension of the economical and social environment within the different countries, with the aim of acquiring a professional experience.
2. Improving the students’ abilities to put their knowledge and skills into practice in new contexts.
3. Developing their social capabilities by providing them the proper tools to face new situations.
4. Enhancing the students’ knowledge within the European dimension.
5. Improvement of the languages, technician and social skills.
6. Acquirement of an entrepreneurial spirit joining in a real project and assuming a real responsibility.
7. Reinforce of the collaboration between the professional world and the educational and training world.
The practices will take place roughly from March until the end of June. The working day should last seven or eight hours.
1. To sign a Practice Arrangement between the student, the College and the company (the contract is provided by the Erasmus Programme).
2. To sign a Collaborative Agreement between the College and the enterprise (the agreement is provided by the Regional Government of Madrid).
3. To draw up and sign a Work Programme, where is specified the tasks and functions within the workplace and the abilities and skills that the student should have acquired at the end of the practices.
4. Compromise of quality, which is a standard document that details the functions and responsibilities of the parties. This document also belongs to the Work Programme.
5. The enterprise has to appoint a tutor who guides the students to develop their practices.
6. Students weekly fill in a sheet describing the activities that have developed, as well as a monthly summary for the company tutor.
7. The company tutor must fill in a final report, where the student practices are evaluated.
8. Students are covered by casualty insurance and by public-liability insurance.



C.I.F.P. José Luis Garci collaborates in different international projects with other institutions and educational centers. These are some examples of collaboration:

“El Péndulo de Ifoulou” is a project carried out by Juanjo Vergara and I.E.S. Barrio de Bilbao with which the C.I.F.P. José Luis Garci has worked traveling with teachers and students to Ifoulou, a tlittle town in Morocco in order to document the experience audivisually.



During the course 2017/18 some students and professors of the C.I.F.P. José Luis Garci has collaborated in the realization of  “Festival Internazionale Teatro LAB” together with the European Teatrale Center Etoile (Italy) and the Dutch educational center “Creative College”. The play took place in the Italian town of Novellara, in which students of different nationalities worked together for a week to carry it out.

Tommorow project – anteprima Festival Internazionale Teatro Lab


During the 2018/19 academic year, an interchange between students of the C.I.F.P. José Luis Garci and students of the Creative College Center (Utrecht, Holland) is planned to perform different joint practices in each of the centers.

Información general sobre la secretaría del centro:

Horario de atención al público:
Durante el curso: lunes a viernes de 10:30 a 13:30 y de 15:00 a 18:00 horas

Horario última semana de junio  y los meses de julio y  septiembre:  lunes a viernes de 10:30  a 13:30 horas

Agosto y festivos (según calendario escolar): cerrado

Tel: 91 484 1828 / 29 | Fax: 91 657 2711
